Diff. ratio

  • Hi W202-freunde
    Is it possible on the Differential (Hinterachsmittelstuck) to se the ratio exampel 3.67.
    Is it possibly stamped in somewhere.

    Margon :smoke:

    When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. Thomas Jefferson :smoke:

  • Hi Margon

    I think, you can t see it on the Differential housing.

    But if you tell us, what for a car you have, we might check that for you.

    I need the Information about your gearbox ( Manual / automatic )
    How many gears you have.
    What for an engine is build in your W202 and from which year that car is.
    Ahh and if you have some ABS Extra systems like ASD.

    MfG Chester

  • Hi Chester
    Thanks for answer.
    I already know the ratio of my 111.921/722.602 it should be 3.67 I just wondered if it was clearly visible on the diff.

    Margon :smoke:

    When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. Thomas Jefferson :smoke: